Sunday, June 2, 2013

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Allah the Supreme states, “Recite from the Quran as much as you can achieve.”
And on another occasion He states: “And when the Quran is recited, listen to it attentively and keep silent, so that you receive mercy.”
Memorizing one Ayah (verse) of the Holy Quran is a principal obligation upon every duty-bound Muslim, and memorizing the entire Holy Quran is a “Sufficing Obligation” (Farz Kifayah). Memorizing Surah alFatehah and one small Surah (or three small verses or one large verse equal to one small Surah) is Essential.
Learning the rulings of Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh) is also a principal obligation and learning it more than what is needed is better than memorizing the entire Holy Quran.
Reading the Quran whilst looking at it is better than reciting from memory, for this entails reciting it plus looking at it plus touching it – and all these are acts of worship. It is recommended to read it with ablution, while facing the “Qiblah” and wearing clean clothes. It is also recommended to recite “Taawuz” and “Tasmiyah” prior to beginning reading the Quran. If it is the beginning of a Surah, reciting the “Tasmiyah” is Sunnah. During recitation if one stops to attend any worldly matter, the “Taawuz” and the “Tasmiyah” should be recited again.
Reciting the Quran whilst lying on the back is permitted, provided the knees are folded up. Likewise reciting it whilst walking or working is also permitted provided the heart is not distracted or else it is undesirable (Makrooh).
When the Quran is being recited audibly, it is obligatory for all those present to be quiet and to listen to it attentively. Listening to the Quran is better than reciting it or offering Voluntary Prayers.
In a gathering, it is forbidden for everyone to read the Quran audibly at the same time. In some “Quran Completion” (Quran Khwani) gatherings everyone reads it aloud at the same time – such collective loud reading is forbidden (haraam). When there are several people reading the Quran, each one of them must keep a low voice which is not audible to others but at least audible to the reader (provided there is no noise interference from other sources).
Each alphabet must be pronounced correctly. Special care should be taken for similar sounding alphabets e.g. Alif, Ain Qaf, KafDaad, Daal etc. This is very important because changing the pronunciation could corrupt its meaning, leading to the invalidation of Prayer.
It is a grave sin to forget the Quran after having memorized it or having learnt how to read it. It is mentioned in the Hadith that a person who forgets the Quran after having read it will come as a leper on the Day of Resurrection – whilst it is mentioned in the Quran that he will come blind.
Not only will those who memorize the Holy Quran and act upon it accordingly be awarded Paradise, but Allah the Supreme will accept their intercession for 10 such relatives of theirs, upon whom hell had become mandatory.
The Prostration for Quran recitation.
There are 14 verses in the Holy Quran which when read or heard, make it Essential to offer prostration. Its method according to Sunnah is to at first say “Allahu Akbar” while standing upright, then proceed for the prostration in which “Subhaana Rabbi al-Aala” should be recited 3 times, and then get up again while saying “Allahu Akbar”. The prostration is correctly offered even if one does not stand up before or after such prostration. Do not raise your hands to the ears nor proclaim Salaam for this prostration.
If such a verse is recited during the Prayer, it becomes Essential (Wajib) to offer the prostration within the particular Prayer itself. The entire verse need not have been recited. The prostration will become Essential even if just the word mentioning the command of prostration along with another word (before or after) is recited from such a verse. To offer this, just making an intention for the Recitation Prostration is enough – it is not necessary to make an intention that the prostration is for such and such particular verse.
If one reads or hears one such verse several times over in a single sitting, only one prostration is Essential- even if heard from more than one person. Similarly if the same verse is repeated several times in a single Cycle (Rakaat), only one prostration is Essential – even if the person offers the prostration after reading it once or then reads it several times again, still the one prostration is enough. It is strongly disliked (Makrooh Tahreemi) to recite an entire Surah and leave out a verse containing the command of prostration.
If one reads all the 14 commands of prostration and offers the prostrations, Allah will fulfil the purpose for which these were offered. The prostrations can be offered after reciting each verse or all together at the end.
It is recommended (Mustahab) to offer a prostration of gratitude towards Allah upon receiving any blessing such as a child, wealth, restoration of health etc. Cleanliness (Taharah) is a condition for the prostration of gratitude and its method is similar to the prostration for recitation.

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