Chapter 10 |
SUPPLICATIONS The Holy Prophet () has said: “Supplication is the core of worship.” The author’s book named “Masnoon Dua-en” (Sunnah Supplications) is a collection of 180 such supplications plus other remembrances (azkaar) and has been published several times. Below listed are a few such supplications – for more, please refer to the above-named collection. The Morning and Evening Supplication Bismillah-illazee laa yadurru ma-Ismehee shay-un fil-arde wa laa fi-ssamaae wa huwa-sSameey-ulAleem With Allah’s name (I witness the morning / evening) – with Whose name nothing in the earth nor in the sky can cause any harm – and He only is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. When entering one’s home Allaahumma innee as-aluka khair-alMawlije wa khair-alMakhrije - Bismillahe wa lajjenaa wa alallahe rabbenaa tawakkalnaa “O Allah !! I seek goodness from you for entering into and exiting from the house; we enter with the name of Allah, and have relied only upon Allah the Supreme, our Lord.” When stepping out of one's home Bismillaahe tawakkaltu alallaahe wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah. “With Allah’s name (I go forth), I put my trust in Allah, and the power to resist evil and the strength to do good is only from Allah, the Supreme, the Greatest.” When entering a mosque Bismillaahe was-salaatu was-Salaamu alaa Rasoolillaah – rabbigfirlee zunoobee waftah lee abwaaba rahmateka “With Allah’s name (I enter the mosque) and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah !! Open for me the gates of Your mercy.” When stepping out of a mosque Bismillaahi was-salaatu was-Salaamu alaa Rasoolillaah - Allaahumma inee as-aluka min fadleka. “With Allah’s name (I exit from the mosque) and blessings and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah !! I seek from You Your grace.” While performing Ablution Allaahummaghfirlee zambee wa wassey lee fee daaree wa baarek lee fee rizqee. “O Allah !! Forgive me my sins and bestow spaciousness and improvement in my house, and bestow abundance in my livelihood.” Before beginning a meal Bismillah-illazee laa yadurru ma-Ismehee shay-un fil-arde wa laa fi-ssamaae yaa Hayyu yaa Qayyoom “With Allah’s name (I begin my meal) – with Whose name nothing in the earth nor in the sky can cause any harm. O the Eternally Alive, the Sustainer.” Bismillaahi wa alaa barkatillah “With Allah’s name, and with abundance from Allah (I begin my meal).” Upon finishing the meal Alhamdu lillaahillazee, atamanaa wa saqaanaa wa jaalanaa min-almuslimeen. “All praise is for Allah who fed us and gave us drink and made us Muslims.” (Tirmizi) If one forgets to say Bismillah before beginning the meal Bismillaahi awwalahoo wa aakherahoo “With Allah’s name, in the beginning and also at the end.” (Tirmizi) Upon going to bed Allaahumma bismeka amootu wa ahyaa. O Allah !! Upon Your name only will I die and live !! (Bukhari) Upon getting up from sleep: Alhamdu lillaahillazee ahyaanaa bada maa amaatanaa wa ilayhin-nushoor “All praise is for Allah who gave us life after death (sleep), and it is to Him we have to return.” Before entering the toilet: Allahumma innee aoozu bika minal khubusi wal khabaa-es. "O Allah !! I seek refuge with You from all wicked male and female jinns." Upon coming out of the toilet: Gufranaka - AlHamdu lillaahillazee azhaba annil azaa wa aafaanee. "All praise is due to Allah alone, who has removed the distress from me and given me comfort." When removing one’s clothes Recite “Bismillah Shareef” when taking off the clothes, as this creates a veil from humans and devils. When putting on a new dress: AlHamdu lillaahil-lazee kasaanee maa uwaariya bihi auraatee wa atajam-malu bihi fee hayaatee. "All praise is due to Allah, who has clothed me so that I may hide my nakedness and so that I may adorn myself while I am alive." On looking into the mirror: AIlaahumma hassanta khalqee fa hassin khuluqee. "O Allah !! You have made me good-looking; make my characater good too." When seated on a mount or a vehicle: AlHamdu lillah - Subhaanallazee sakh-khara lanaa haaza wa maa kun-naa lahoo muqrineena wa innaa ilaa rabbenaa lamunqaliboon. "All Praise is for Allah - Pure is He Who has put this (mount) in our control whereas we could not have subjugated it, and indeed we are to return to our Lord." When visiting a market: Laa ilaaha Ill-Allahu wahdahoo laa shareeka lah – lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa huwa hayyul-laa yamootu beyadehil-Khair; wa huwa alaa kulle shaeyin qadeer. “There is none worthy of worship (God) except Allah, He is One, He has no partner – for Him is the kingdom and all praise – it is He Who gives life and it is He Who gives death, and He is Alive by Himself, He will never die; in His Hands lies all goodness and He is Able to do all things.” When in fear or anxiety: Hasbun-Allahu wa neamal wakeel “Allah is Sufficient for us, and what an excellent Trustee He is !!” To remove the effect of evil eyes: Aoozu be-kalemaat-illahe-ttaamate min kulle shaytaani-wwahaammatin wa min kulle ayni-llaammah. “I seek refuge through the entire words of Allah from the evil of every devil, and every harmful animal and every harmful eye.” To free oneself from pain: The Holy Prophet () said: “If a patient puts the hand at the place of pain and recites “Bismillah” thrice and then recites the following supplication 7 times, the pain will, Allah willing, go away.” (Saheeh Muslim) Aoozu be-izzatillahe wa qudratehi min sharre maa ajedu wa uhaaziru. “I seek refuge of Allah the Supreme’s Honour and Power from the evil of the suffering I am experiencing and I seek refuge from this suffering.” For abundance in provisions and repayment of debt: Allahumma akfenee be-halaaleka an haraameka wa agninee be-fadleka amman sewaka. “O Allah !! Suffice me with lawful provision and save me from the forbidden, and by Your Munificence make me independent of everyone except You.” For freedom from sorrow and for the attainment of blessings: The Holy Prophet () said: “Sending blessings (upon me) removes sorrow and annuls sins.” (Tirmizi Shareef) “Whoever sends one blessing upon me – Allah sends ten blessings upon him.” (Saheeh Muslim) SallAllahu alanabbiyy-illummiyye wa aalehi sallAllahu alayhe wa sallam salaata-wwa-salaaman alayka yaa RasoolAllah. “Allahs’s blessings be upon the untaught Herald of the Hidden and his progeny, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him – blessings and peace be upon you, O the Messenger of Allah !!” “All Praise to Allah the Supreme, and abundant blessings and peace be upon His Messenger Mohammed, the leader of the creation.” Allamah Syed Shah Turab-ul-Haq Qadri |
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Chapter 10
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